Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas in PA

We just returned from our 3 week Christmas break in Pennsylvania. Christmas is my favorite time of year and it was wonderful to get to be home with family & friends and really important to us for Breckyn to spend time with her grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

Breckyn with her cousin Courtney on Christmas eve

We even got a couple of small snowstorms to remind us of why we are living in a tropical climate! We took her out in the snow a couple of times to show her what it was like and it was pretty comical to watch her try to walk through the snow with her over sized snow boots.

Enjoying the snow!

It was a little bittersweet to return to Maz. But back to the grind, right?

The first semester program is winding down and there are only a couple of weeks left with this group before a new group of students join us for the second half of the year. But before then, the group is headed 75 miles south to a little fishing village called Teacapan. There they will be helping with the fixing-up of a property that is being turned into a retreat center for local pastors and groups to meet. The property is owned by missionary friends of Tom & Heidi who also live here in Mazatlan. Mostly we will be painting, although there is some electrical and plumbing work to be done as well.

Coming back after a couple of weeks off has allowed us to feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle the next 5 months. Keep us in your prayers as we seek the Lord for wisdom and guidance concerning our future.