We are in the tail end of the rainy season and have been having rain showers off and on for the last few days. Today we woke up and it was sunny and so we took our first trip to the beach.
Breckyn loves the water and it is so much fun watching her play in the waves. The water is incredibly warm right now almost to the point where it isn't refreshing but it is nice to be able to walk right in without having to adjust. If only we could send some of that water northeast!
The spill came this afternoon when Justin jumped on his scooter to go to the bank. Lisa got a phone call about 5 minutes after he left. He had been in an accident. Thank the Lord he is ok! A car pulled out in front of him and he had to swerve
to avoid it, dumping the bike which then ended up under the car. Justin ended up with a lot of scrapes and his leg in a temporary cast. The Lord worked out all the details after the crash. Justin and Lisa did not have to pay for anything at the hospital and the scooter was not impounded (as is the norm) which would entail hefty fees to "bail" it out. The police officer just said "It is too far to the lot and I do not want to drive down there". Gotta love it! It could have been so much worse, so we are really grateful!
Thanks for all your prayers and now that we have a (hopefully) constant internet connection, you'll here from us more often.
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