There are about 60 families in this particular neighborhood and all are in need. The first time I visited these homes I'll admit, I tried not to stare. How can these people live like this?! It's hard not to let it break your heart. Almost all the homes are one, maybe two rooms. The walls are scrap wood and either tarps or tin siding. Most of the floors are dirt, though a few are tiled. There isn't running water so there are huge black barrels in-between the homes to collect rain water. Both kids and dogs have fleas in their hair but it's so hard not to hug them when they come running up to you. They talk a mile-a-minute no matter how many times I tell them I can't speak Spanish. It doesn't matter, they just smile and keep on going!
Money, clothes, toys, and food were collected to raffle off. We had enough to give away 5 bicycles, 20 boxes of food and 100 gift bags with candy and toiletries. Clothes were given to the families with the most need. We hung white Christmas lights and balloons from the houses and the wooden fence that surrounds the lot. A face paint station was set up for the kids. We ate tamales (incredible!), beans, cake & jello and had hot chocolate with cinnamon. A string ensemble from a local school came to give a concert. It was dynamic listening to violins play Christmas music against such a backdrop. Our group did a skit and the kid's sang songs they had been practicing for their parents.
As I think about home, especially around the holidays, there are some things I miss about being there. But after tonight, I don't miss the consumerism. I don't miss the madness and the long lines at the mall. I don't miss the rushing around to get last minute gifts.
Tonight was just a nice reminder of how very blessed we are and that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
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